Sermons from 2011: Archives of sermons from:
2009 2008
Candlelight Service Sermon: "Home for Christmas."
From Jerry, December 18: "Love Songs." Link to audio of all the Songs.
Margie's solo, "Gesu Bambino."
From Jerry, December 11: "Rejoice With Me."
Lynette's Piano Solo
From Jerry, December 4: "Talking Peace."
Margie and Lynette's Duet
From Jerry, November 27: "Whispering Hope."
Tree Decorating, 2011
From Jerry, November 13, "The Treasure is Empathy."
November 2: Remembering Giles McCrary
From Jerry, October 23, "Muscle Memory."
From Jerry, October 16, "These Things are Helpful."
Jerry's Radio Interview concerning fan behavior at the TTU vs. TAMU game.
From Jerry, October 2, "What's Going On Here?"
From Jerry, September 25, "Squadoosh."
Welcome Stella Elizabeth Costen (Giles and Nelda's great-granddaughter).
From Jerry, September 11: "Connections."
From PBS Frontline: Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero
From Jerry, September 4, "You Might As Well Laugh."
September 1: Remembering Mike Mitchell
From Jerry, August 28: Praying for Persecutors
Common Ground between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
From Jerry, August 21: "The Remnant."
From Jerry, July 31: "Free to Be You."
From Jerry, July 25: "Our Father."
From Jerry, July 17: "Take a Seat."
From Jerry, July 3: "Freedom from ... Freedom to ... " (Audio quality is very poor - low battery on microphone).
June 29: Remembering Sammie Pollard
From Jerry, June 26: "Don't Squander the Light."
The commercial mentioned in the sermon: Stethoscope
From Jerry, June 12: "The Evidence of Inspiration."
From Jerry, June 5: "Talking Points."
From Jerry, May 22: "In the Meantime." Garry Trudeau's Doonesbury on the end of time
From Jerry, May 15: "Who Needs Religion?" Data Report: "Seeking the Moral Community."
From Jerry, May 8: "What Mothers
Sports Illustrated
columnist Phil Taylor's essay,
Mother's Day Gift
From Jerry, May 1 "Easter People in a Good Friday World."
Jerry's Easter sermon, April 24: "Wow!" Margie and Lynette's piano/organ duet: "The Holy City."
From Jerry, April 17: "Hope Lives in Stories"
From Jerry, April 3: "Simple Questions."
From Jerry, March 27: "Tossing a Starfish."
From Jerry, March 20: "March
JoAnn Travis
Running the Race at the Texas
Motor Speedway.
From Jerry, March 6: "Headwinds."
Check out the
Lenten Self-Esteem Scale
Washington Post
opinion page
Washington Times opinion page
From Jerry, Feb. 27: "Bringing Good With Prayer."
From Jerry, Feb. 20: At His Word
From Jerry, Feb. 13: Love For Real
From Jerry, Jan 23: To Make and Move Mountains
From Jerry, Jan. 9: "Have No Illusions."
From Jerry, Jan. 2: "Expect to Get Lit Up."
Washington Post Pulitzer Prize article about
Joshua Bell.
Granddaughter Lily who lights us up
every time!